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Matser Java SpringBoot & Microservices In Darija 2024
Setup Environment
Install maven MAC-LINUX (1:14)
Install JDK Mac-Linux (4:07)
Install Intellij for mac (1:44)
Create first project maven (4:44)
What is MAVEN (4:19)
Getting Started
Print Method (4:59)
Run Using Command Line (6:13)
Syntax Error (3:21)
View ByCode (1:44)
Java Syntax
Java [ Basics To Advance ]
Variables (5:30)
Data Types (13:54)
Make your numbers readable (2:07)
Arethmic operations (5:16)
Increament and decreament operations (4:50)
Comparaison Operators (6:25)
Naming Variables (5:11)
String datatype (4:37)
String manipulation (4:38)
Understand Stack and Heap (3:49)
Premitives vs Wraper classes (4:46)
Pass By value or By Refrence (4:23)
Arrays vs Variables (2:55)
Create array of numbers (5:08)
Reserve memory using arrays (4:29)
Premitives vs Wrapper Classes in Arrays (6:49)
Multi Dementional Arrays overview (1:36)
Multidemeitonal Array example (3:45)
What is Loops (1:52)
For Loop (7:02)
For Loop and Arrays (6:19)
Enhanced for loop (3:12)
While Loop (5:06)
Do While Loop (5:02)
If and Else Conditions (5:12)
Conditions with Comparaison operatiors (6:15)
Combine if_ELelse if_else (4:03)
Use and_or with conditions (5:31)
Switch cases (11:05)
Switch return type (7:01)
Understand packages (3:40)
Recommanded way to name your packages (4:18)
Import keyword (3:17)
MultiPackages (4:53)
Default package java.lang (4:49)
Methods Introduction (4:41)
Function Return (6:07)
Method part 1 (6:48)
Parametrized Mehthod (3:12)
Combine method with if and enhanced loop (5:39)
Underatand args of main method (7:06)
Pass arguments using intellij (1:16)
Var keyword usage (8:21)
Break and Continue (5:30)
Return keyword with void method (2:23)
Assignment Operators (6:15)
Type Casting (11:23)
Variables scope (3:53)
How Strings stored in memory (4:50)
Immutability vs Mutability (3:49)
Equality in String (8:49)
LocalDateTime (5:55)
LocalDate and LocalTime (4:38)
Create custom date and time (4:53)
Check the availabilty zones (5:39)
DataTypes issues for storing money (4:02)
Fix issues using BigDecimal DataType (5:39)
What is threads (3:48)
Default thread (2:06)
Create your first thread (5:53)
Diffrent Between run and start (5:59)
Sleep Method (4:36)
Runnable part 1 (4:19)
Runnable part 2 (5:44)
Convert runnable to lambda expression (4:33)
Errors and Exceptions (5:21)
Try Catch block (8:33)
Handle all exceptions using Super class (9:01)
Finally block (3:20)
Throw keyword (4:43)
Throws keyword (6:22)
How to user scanner class (4:58)
Control user data type (10:14)
Deal with File Class (7:21)
Read File Content (4:32)
Write data to file (7:00)
Understand classes and objects roles (2:36)
Create your first class-object (5:25)
Setter Method (6:09)
getter Methodmov (3:26)
Constructor (4:47)
Multiple constructors (4:28)
ToString method (11:59)
This keyword (3:17)
Object class (5:07)
Override Annotation (2:12)
Equal Methods part 1 (4:46)
Equals method part 2 (5:58)
Create class file (4:43)
Static Keyword (5:39)
Satatic keyword for memory management (7:17)
Static Block (3:08)
Instance Initializer Block (5:39)
Access modifier public_ (5:51)
Default access moifier_ (2:59)
Private Access Modifier_ (2:50)
Functional Interface (3:36)
Lambda expression part 1 (6:54)
Lambda expression part 2 (4:39)
Lambda expression part 3 (5:36)
Genercis part 2 (2:58)
Genercis part 3 (4:15)
Genercis part 4 (2:45)
Predicate part 1 (10:09)
Predicat part 2 (2:23)
Function Interface part 1 (4:18)
Function Interface part 2 (2:55)
Consnumer Interface (3:38)
Why Generics (6:33)
Extends keyword with generics (3:09)
Extends keyword with generics method level (2:31)
Java Object Oriented Programming
Encapsulation Overview_ (5:26)
Encapsulation Part 1 (12:51)
Encapsulation Part 2 (12:27)
Inheritance overview (3:54)
Inheritance example (9:31)
Super Keyword (5:39)
Protected keyword_ (4:22)
Override with inheritiance_ (5:55)
Multilayer inheritance_ (2:49)
Abstract class_ (2:44)
Abstract Method_ (4:46)
Interfaces overview_ (3:37)
Interfaces Part1_ (6:41)
Interfaces Part2_ (6:43)
Interfaces Part3__ (5:48)
Interfaces Part4_ (9:21)
Final keyword on class_method (5:38)
Enums part 1 (5:43)
Enums part 2 (4:43)
Enums part 3 (3:43)
Use methods and constructors in enum (11:21)
Anonymous Objects (3:53)
Instance Inner class (6:02)
Static inner class (0:58)
Anonymous inner class_ (6:42)
Collection framework
ArrayList Introduction (6:53)
Physical Capacity vs Vitrual Capacity (5:46)
ArrayList Methods (9:01)
How to compare ArrayLists (8:32)
Synchronize ArrayList (8:46)
Arraylist integrated foreach (2:56)
HashMap Introduction (8:14)
Read values from HashMap (10:17)
How to compare Hashmaps (9:27)
SynchronizedMap vs ConcurrentHashMap (9:44)
BiConsumer Interface with hasnMap foreach (3:47)
Debug HashMap and ArrayList (11:35)
Debug LinkedHashMap(Understand Head&Tail) (4:36)
LinkedHashMap Internaly (4:41)
HashSet (6:33)
Stream API Introduction (7:42)
ToIntFunction Functional Interface (2:56)
Stream API Map Method (6:59)
Collections Framework Hirarchy (6:01)
LinkedList vs ArrayList (4:00)
TreeMap Class (5:53)
TreeMap Hirarchy_ (5:34)
Collections vs Streams (7:27)
Unmodifiable Collections(List,Set,Map) (9:30)
Spring Core
Create Maven Project (3:34)
Add Spring Dependency (6:53)
Create your first bean(How IOC container works) (9:18)
TightCoupling vs LoseCoupling original (9:54)
XML Autowiring (10:38)
Inject Using Index (Value vs Ref) (5:43)
Inner Injection vs Ref Injection (XML) (4:03)
Convert XML Injection to Annaotation Injection(@Autowired,@Qualifier) (10:18)
@Component and @Bean Annotations (8:33)
Migrate Beans Configuration form XML to JavaConfig(@Config,@Bean) (9:21)
Read From files @PropertySource @Value (5:34)
MultiConfigFiles (@Import) (9:35)
Merge XMLConfig With AnnotationConfig(@ImportResource) (2:19)
Singlton Design Pattern_ (10:27)
Singlton State (3:35)
Easger vs Lazy Loading in JVM (6:53)
Easger and Lazy Loading in Spring(IOC Container) (9:35)
Control beans loading using annotations (3:10)
Getting Started with SpringBoot and MVC
Understand SpringBoot Structure (13:22)
Create your first API (4:09)
MVC Design PATTERN (7:18)
Controller vs RestController (7:26)
Example of MVC vs REST API (6:32)
Jackson databind (5:40)
HttpMethods and @PathVariable and @RequestParam (22:14)
PostMapping and @RequestBody (12:15)
PutMapping (8:24)
DeleteMapping (12:53)
Request Mapping API version (8:07)
HTTP Response Status (3:59)
Control APIs Status (ResponseEntity) (5:43)
Database Overview (5:23)
What is ORM (8:09)
Configure to H2 DB (10:23)
Migrate from List to H2 Database part 1 (4:55)
Monitor hibernate sql queries (1:26)
Migrate from List to H2 Database part 2 (15:01)
Spring Data JPA & Hibernate
Spring data JPA (Specification vs Implementation) (4:32)
Configure Postgres with data jpa (15:07)
Trigger the insert and update date (8:17)
Create custom constraints(@UniqueConstraints) (7:21)
JPA Query Methods (14:53)
Named parameters (@Query and @Param) (14:20)
NamedQuery (14:41)
Multiple JPQL NamedQueries (7:37)
NamedNativeQuery and NamedNativeQueries (9:48)
10.Understand Embdede and Embdebdable (7:01)
AttributeOverrides and Embedded (7:41)
Understand Cascading in hibernate (10:45)
Eager and Lazy Proxy Object (7:29)
One to One relationship part 1 (14:02)
One to One relationship part 2 (12:10)
One-To-One BiDirectional (8:29)
One-To-Many BiDirectional (12:07)
Build One-To-Many Relationship (10:13)
Many-To-Many RelationShip part 1 (6:19)
Many-To-Many RelationShip part 2 (13:18)
Spring Security
Introduction to Spring Security Internal flow
Configuring users using InMemoryUserDetailsManager
Configuring PasswordEncoder
Checking the default configuration
Modifying the security config
How to disable formLogin and httpBasic
UserDetailsService & UserDetailsManager Interfaces
Custome UserDetailsService
Understanding JdbcUserDetailsManager
Creating JPA Entity
Password Management
Underatanding AuthenticationManager
Understanding AuthenticationProvider
Custome AuthenticationProvider
Acceppt only https
Register the user
Create Custom filter
Method level security
Build First Project [ E-Commerce Project ]
Gnerate project
Creating folder Structure
SettingUp Application
Visualazing data using postgres
Build Barnd Entity
Build Type Entity
Build Product Entity
Build The Associations
Create the reposiotry
Create Brand Service
Creeate Type service
Create Product Service
Create product Controller
Integrate Swagger (documentation)
Implement pagination
Create Specifications
Create Brand Specification
Controller Implementation using Specification Pattern
Introduction to React Application
Create Client Proejct Structure
Understand React Folder Structure
State Hood Example
Understanding the State Hood code
Calling Products API using useEffect hook
Implementing Cors Config
Fetching Products using Promise
Adding a Typescript interface for Product
Files and Folder Organization
Fixing the import issue
Creating React Component
Create Catalog Component
Adding Material UI
Create Product List Component
Create Product Card Component
Finishing Product Card and Product List
Creating AppBar
Creating AppBar
Creating ThemeBuilder
Making AppBar Static
Implementing React Router
Installing React Router
Create Home and Contact Page
Create Router
Create Product Detail Page and Activating Route
Create NavLinks
Activiating Account Links
Understanding the NavLink Code
Updating Product Card
Loading Product
Desinging the Product Page
Centralizng Api Request using Axios
Modifying the Catalog and Product Details page
Create Not Found Page
Create Server error
Implementing Error Interceptors
Route Changes
Implementing Taost Notification
Implementing Custom Error Exception
Create Spinner Handler
Add Basket Functionality
Create Basket Class
Create Basket item Class
Making changes in Application file
Create Basket and Basket item response class
Cretae BasketResponse Mapping
Basket Service Impelementation
Create Basket Controller
Implemente Basket Functionality - Client Side
Create Basket and Basket Item type
Create Redux Store
Create Basket Slice
Create Basket Skeleton
Create Basket Service part 1
Create Basket Service part 2
Increment and Decrement Quantity
Install CUID2 Package
Update Agent Code
Modify Basket oage
Update Header with Basket Change
Paging, Sorting Filtering
retreive Type, Brands...
Implementing Catalog Page State Hooks
Loading Products, Brands , Types
Change Agent List Logic
Handle Sort Change
Pagination Implementation
Impelement Spring Security
Implement UserDetail Service
User Management Demo
Impelement Authentication Entry
Impelement Json web token
Impelement Token Generation
Impelement token Expiration
Impelement JWT Authentication Filter
Create Security Config
Cretae Authentication Manager Bean
Create the required Models
Create Authentication Controller
Impelement Security Client side
User Model Creation
Create Account Feature
Update the Routes
Creating Login Page
Fixing the login Page Issue
Wiring up Registration form
Uising React Hook fron SignIn Page
Create Account Slice
Implementing Fetch User and Logout method
Finishing the Account Action
Finishing Login Page part 1
Create DropDown Menu for SignIn User
Finish Login page part 2
Fetch Basket from Local Storage
Persisitng Basket and Login Page Refresh
Create Orders
Create Embeddable Entity Shipping Address
Creating Entity Order Status
Creatte Order Item Entity
Create Order Entity
Create DTOs
Add MapStruct Package
Create Order Repository
Create Order Mapper
Create Order Service
Create Order Controller
Checkout Feature
Update Cart quantity
Create Basket Page
Create Checkout Page
Secure Checkout Page
Instal Yup Schema
Create Validation Rule Schema
Create Address Form
Create Payment Form
Create Review Page
Wiring checkout page
Install Yup Resolver
Cretae Order Method in Agent
Finish Order Creation
Finish Checkout Page
Fixing the login Page Issue
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you'll need to login
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